Federal Executive Orders Will Damage Communities Across the Country Who Welcome Newcomers; Run Contrary to American Values, Moral Leadership, and Economic Interest

Refugee Advocacy Lab Commits to Elevating the Voices of Leaders Who Have Experienced Forced Displacement and Working with State and Local Leaders to Address Damaging Policies

“Among the many Executive Orders that run contrary to American values, moral leadership, and economic interest, we are dismayed to see President Trump cut off critical protection pathways to the United States for people seeking safety, including shutting down asylum and freezing refugee resettlement” said Kate Brick, Executive Director of the Refugee Advocacy Lab. “In particular, the halt of the U.S. Resettlement Program will not only undermine a program that has enjoyed decades of bipartisan, public support and has provided a lifeline for people fleeing for their lives – including more than 200,000 people currently in the resettlement pipeline we have committed to protect – it will be damaging to communities all across the country who have been enriched by welcoming newcomers. Last fall, nearly 500 state and local elected officials from all 50 states reaffirmed their call to see the federal government invest in our resettlement program. The Lab will continue to work with these leaders and elevate the voices of communities across the country to push for reconsideration of these and other damaging policies in the weeks and months to come.” 

More From Our Core Partners:

Refugees International: Trump’s Day-One Actions Attack Legal Pathways to Refuge; Will Harm Core American Values and Interests

International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP): IRAP Condemns Announced Trump Immigration Executive Orders, Vows to Continue “Fight for a More Welcoming Future for All”

Refugee Congress: Refugee Congress Condemns Trump’s Executive Order Endangering People Seeking Safety

Ways To Get Involved: 

Take action today to contact your representatives at all levels and remind them that we believe in welcoming, we reject fear, and we want solutions that support us all. 

Last fall, nearly 500 state and local elected officials from all 50 states and the District of Columbia expressed their strong support for welcoming refugees in their communities. Check to see if your elected officials signed on. 


U.S. Communities Want to Welcome Refugees


Tell Your Elected Officials: We Value Welcoming